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LETS Go! provides specialist consultancy services for children with Down syndrome.  We offer Down syndrome specific training, information, support and services for families, education providers, professionals and organisations.


L anguage LETS Go! is driven by research and evidence based practice which is embedded in our education, training and

therapy services.  We are currently involved in a number of projects and in 2016-2018 we ran a randomised control trial of a language intervention we developed specifically for children with Down syndrome.


E ducation - LETS Go! provides services to educators and families to ensure successful inclusion and teaching of children with Down syndrome. This includes our popular Outreach Service which supports schools and pre-schools across Hampshire and further afield as well as our Early Development Groups for pre-school children.


T raining - LETS Go! delivers evidence based training and workshops for parents and professionals across a range of topics related to Down syndrome ranging from training on successful inclusion and speech, language and communication needs to more practical workshops on topics such as differentiation and behaviour.


S peechLETS Go! provides speech and language therapy for children with Down syndrome who have a range of speech, language and communication needs. This service includes formal and informal assessment allowing the development of targets and intervention programmes to focus on achieving a child’s individual goals.



Welcome to LETS Go!

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